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  • What times are available for appointments?
    Appointments are available Monday to Friday during business hours 7:30am to 7:00pm and on Saturday between 7:30am and 12:30pm.
  • How long is the consultation?
    An initial consultation will generally take 30-40 minutes and a follow-up consultation may take 30minutes. Longer consultations will be required if there is more than one injury or complex regions to assess.
  • What should I expect at the consultation?
    Following an initial, thorough examination of your condition, a full hands on assessment with functional capacity testing is performed by a University qualified and Australian Registered Physiotherapist, to establish an accurate diagnosis. Treatment will involve education on your condition and we will structure a suitable treatment plan through various treatment modalities to relieve pain, restore function, flexibility and strength. Skills and techniques used may include: Mobilisations of joints and neural tissue Soft tissue massage Manipulation Postural correction Exercises and muscle rehabilitation. Your Physiotherapist will teach you techniques to use at home to manage your problem, which may include exercise and preventative measures. You are invited to ask any questions you may have.
  • Will the appointment be on time?
    In the majority of cases the clinic runs strictly to time. It would be appreciated if you could arrive 5-10 minutes early to supply both personal and health details for your initial consultation. Occasionally there are unforeseen circumstances beyond our control. We apologise if the beginning of your session is delayed.
  • Do I need a referral to make an appointment?
    No referral is required to obtain physiotherapy for private patients. All our physiotherapists are trained in being the first point of contact to address your musculoskeletal and health concerns. If the physiotherapist feels a referral to a general practitioner or specialist is required, we will organise you a suitable referral. A medical referral from your general practitioner is necessary only if: You have been injured at work and claiming through Workers Compensation You have been involved in a motor vehicle accident and claiming your treatment expenses through a Green Slip/Third Party Your treatment is covered by Veterans Affairs
  • What should I bring to the consultation?
    It is important to bring as much information to the consultation as possible to allow for an accurate diagnosis of your problem. This should include: Any Private Health Fund Card and Medicare card Any referral letter from your doctor and other treating therapists Any insurance details (if this is a workers compensation or third party claim) All tests – X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans (even if reported as normal) Any letters or operation reports from other specialists involved in your care
  • What should I wear to the consultation?
    To make an accurate diagnosis you will need to have a thorough examination of your injury. Wearing appropriate clothing will make this much easier and save any potential embarrassment. This may include wearing shorts for a knee condition or a singlet top for a shoulder complaint.
  • Can I have more than one injury assessed at the consultation?
    There is no difficulty with assessing more than one injury, although it would be appreciated if this could be mentioned at the time of booking so extra time may be set aside.
  • Are my Medical Records kept private and confidential?
    Your medical file is handled with the utmost respect for your privacy. Our staff are bound by strict confidentiality requirements as a condition of employment regarding your medical records. We will not release the contents of your medical file without your consent.
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